Tuesday, 20 October 2009


I went for a walk again through the woods today, well more than that did quite a bit of filming as well. Still feels weird being in front of a camera and even worse talking to it. Although I talk to trees, trees are a living entity that breathe and grow and die, much like ourselves but talking to something as soleless as a camera takes some doing!

Well the one thing I have noticed this year, especially here in Cornwall is the amount of Sweet Chesnuts that are falling off the trees. And above all the squirells obviously can't collect them fast enough as there are some realy gorgeous ones left for the taking.

So since I hadn't taken any lunch with me, I had a feast on Chestnuts, very nice. But one thing did occur to me. I can't remember there ever being this good a crop of Chestnuts since moving to Cornwall 12 years ago, all I can assume is that we are in for one mightily cold winter.

Whilst those of you that live in colder climates, such as Canada, Sweden etc will laugh at such a small amount of the white stuff, being in the UK when it snows is just utter pandemonium. Not only does the whole structure of civilisation come to an end, but the shops sell out of bread in double quick time! It really if quite funny seeing how people behave as their World comes to an end.

We did have snow last winter, which was fun but it only lasted a few days.

I am keeping my fingers crossed for a real cold snap this year, I will keep you posted.

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